


EGIA Vendor Service Partners Gains ENERGY STAR Certification

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We are excited to announce that Service Partners, LLC, a vendor in the EGIA Contractor Marketplace, has met all of the requirements set forth by the U.S. Environmental Protection agency to become a Partner with the Seal and Insulate with ENERGY STAR program.

ENERGY STAR products are independently certified to save energy without sacrificing features or functionality, helping prevent climate change and offering significant financial rewards. Consumers and builders look for ENERGY STAR products to save money on energy bills and help protect our environment. ENERGY STAR certified products are preferred purchase items and may qualify for federal tax credits.

Service Partners will be listed as a Partner on the Seal and Insulate with ENERGY STAR website at www.energystar.gov/sealandinsulate. Service Partners’ certified product lines will be listed on the website under “Certified Insulation Products.”

The active certified products manufactured by Service Partners are their line of cellulose products: SmartShredz, Supreme, Supreme Plus and Advantage, all of which will have the ENERGY STAR logo featured on their packaging.

EGIA is proud to partner with Service Partners, the largest distributor of residential fiberglass insulation and contractor accessories in North America, and a company that embodies our commitment to energy efficiency. Through the EGIA Contractor Marketplace, our members receive a 3% quarterly reward on all products bought through Service Partners.

Click here to view Service Partners on the EGIA Contractor Marketplace.