In the February 2019 Snapshot Survey, we asked contractors about their marketing promotions pracitces. Here’s one survey question and its results from the summary report, which is now available in its entirety to EGIA members.
Question: Does your company ever run marketing promotions?
Marketing promotions like special discounts, rebates, and free equipment with purchase are great tools to drive new business. According to the contractors who took our survey, 80%reported running special marketing promotions against 20% that do not.
Additionally, a third of the companies that do run marketing promotions offer some promotions (beyond service and/or maintenance discounts) that are available exclusively to service agreement customers.
Login to access the full research report on marketing promotions.
For a deep dive into marketing, promotions, advertising, and other related concepts, access training materials, recommendations and education pieces in the Contracting Best Practices Library, available in your EGIA Member Dashboard.